WOW, I cannot belive I did it. August 2019, after 56 years of shooting TV commercials, Domumenteries, TV Shows, Promotional films, I finally completed a industrial promotional film, albeit a short one, with no voice over what so ever. A first for me. When Scott Nichols, President and CEO of M.V. OSPREY Ltd. asked me to produce a show for a target audience and with a particular objective in mind and it would not include an voice over, I will admit I had to do a double take. With no script and the two objectives Scott had in mind, we did a story board which Scott and Martin Buhl, manager of SIRENA, the marketing company for M.V. OSPREY Ltd., OK'd. They then gave me the go ahead. We filmed for 32 day's in the North Seas and approx. 2 weeks in North Sydney, home port for M.V. OSPREY Ltd. We shot a lot of film, but I have to say we met the two objectives in this short version. If you look carefully at the show, it's only 6.5 minutes long, but there is a lot of information in there.
I would like to thank the two Captains, Leroy Marshall and Andreas Snarby for all their help and patience while filming. Also Keith Rumbolt and the crew of the OSPREY. They totally looked after me keeping me safe when things got rought. Never met a crew so loyal to each other and had so much pride in their ship as those guys. And the girls at M.V. OSPREY Ltd. I just would have never gotten this done without them. Thank You.
As Keith Rumbolt, Boatswain for the M.V. Northern OSPREY 111 would say,
" Gerry bye it's like this, we got'er done"
Some of "The Boys" on the M.V. NORTHERN OSPREY 111. They have only one problem, their not a "Boston Bruin" fan:)